Living Your Best Life

It's Time To Shine!

As you are reading this, you may be going through the motions of life like everyone else, yet, somewhere deep within you there's something surfacing that you can no longer ignore. There's something telling you, that you have a deeper purpose in life and you're willing to explore new possibilities right here.

Personal Life Mentoring

Claim Your Life's Passion, Potential & Purpose with Leslie Paramore As Your Intuitive Guide & Mentor

With this package you will have a total of 5 life mentoring sessions with Leslie Paramore, by telephone or zoom. Leslie has intuitively mentored individuals all around the world. She understands what it takes to get you where you are going. Leslie's life passion is supporting individuals like you, in tuning into their path and purpose. She is a Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher, Life Purpose Coach,  Neuro Linguistic Practitioner, Online Course Instructor, Intuitive Healer, Channeler and Meditation Recording Artist.

Your Guidance System

This life mentoring package is designed to get you in connection with your life's purpose and passion, as Leslie Paramore supports you through, as your personal guide.

  • Learn what may be holding you back from connecting with your purpose

  • Learn how to move past life conditioning to be unapologetically you.

  • Learn to identify your unique talents and how they can fit into your purpose.

  • Learn how to connect with your inner child to ignite your gifts

  • Ignite your creative passion and bring your dreams to reality

  • Discover how your life patterns have lead you to where you are right now.

  • Understand your tendencies and personality and how they fit into your life

  • Learn to extinguish limiting beliefs so you can finally move forward.

  • Tap into intuition, self motivation, and perfect synchronicities

  • Claim your power and live the life that you deserve

Can You Say "Yes" To These Statements?

Life Mentoring Could Be For You

  • Lack of Motivation

    Truly wanting a life change like, a new career, a beautiful relationship, improved health, and then losing the motivation go after what you'd like to create.

  • Self Sabotage

    Identifying with something that looks really exciting and then somehow talking yourself out of steps to move forward with it.

  • Robbing Yourself

    Endlessly thinking about your life and how it could be better or different, yet worry, indecision, or over-thinking things rob you of the life you truly deserve.

Additional Bonus Material

5 Guided Meditations To Empower Your Life!

Guided meditations are easy for anyone to benefit from. If you've never experienced mediations, this is a great place to start. You will simply get relaxed, free of distractions, and open your heart and mind up to taking a journey that can benefit you while you are awake or asleep. The guided meditations in the package are specifically designed to bring peace, calm and personal empowerment.

Global Testimonials

What Clients Are Saying

Connects With Your Heart, Body, & Soul.

Melanie R. - Canada

"Leslie Is a kind and generous person and she has a way to connect you to your heart, body and soul. After my sessions, I was left with incredible energy and I felt so grounded. She helped me have more clarity about the knots in my life. Warm thanks to you dear Leslie!"

I Have So Much Clarity

Monica Y. - United States

"I have been a Health & Wellness Counselor for over 25 plus years. Leslie knows what I need to experience through her uniquely guided messages that she delivers to with each personal session. I have had levels of healing, growth and clarity, that once seemed impossible."

Compassionate, Patient & Kind-Hearted

Billy B. United States

"Compassionate and patient, Leslie’s gentle spirit and kind hearted approach, instantly puts one at ease and inspires them to relax and receive the blessing of healing. I have been met with very wise counsel, with each and every session I have had with her. Thank you so much!

Transformative Healing

Sara R. - Malaysia

"If you are seeking a healing experience which transforms you at all levels and touches your soul in every way possible, I experienced this in a single session of Reiki and chakra balancing. Her written reports for the chakras are very informative and reassuring.

Deep Contentment

Tom W. - Ireland

Her knowledge & healing gifts are exceptional and on another level of anyone I have encountered. She has guided me through my spiritual journey in ways that I never thought possible. With every single session I have been left with with deep contentment and in addition, she is also lots of fun! Leslie is genuine and compassionate and I have never felt like a client to her.

Ignite Your Passion

Live Your Purpose

Your passion is what gives you your zest and drive for life. It’s what can motivate you to do things you never thought you could do. It can move you deeper into trust, throwing caution to the wind, and going for whatever, it is that you want with your whole heart, might, mind, and strength. Passion can drive you to go the extra mile when you think you can’t. Passion can keep you awake at night thinking about your next step before the next day even arrives. Passion can drive you wild with your imagination and make drifting dreams become a reality. Passion is the driving force behind successful individuals and their unique creations. When you dance with your passion, it is playfully alive and when you are connected to its energy, it becomes your playmate and friend for life. Are you ready to feel true passion?


  • How are the life mentoring sessions arranged?

    Leslie Paramore will work with your schedule in setting up the times that you feel that you could use some intuitive counsel throughout this life mentoring package as you engage in your assignments.

  • How long does a life mentoring session last?

    The 4 mentoring sessions included in this package will be approximately 30 to 45 minutes in length. Leslie Paramore also has a private practice where a mentoring session is priced at $80 per session, so this mentoring package is a huge savings deal!

  • What types of things are discussed during a life mentoring session?

    During a life coaching session, Leslie will talk to you about tuning into your life purpose, progress with your assignments, answer questions you might have, support you in setting goals, while offering the tools it takes to get you living your best life.

  • Can I purchase additional life mentoring sessions?

    Absolutely! Leslie is always happy to extend her life mentoring services if you feel that this is something that could continue to benefit you. Just ask and consider it done!

  • How is this mentoring package laid out?

    This mentoring package has a series of downloadable PDF files designed to inspire and motivate you. Each PDF file has a concept as well as tools provided to support you in understanding how to create your life purpose. There are questions, quizzes, and concepts that will bring greater clarity in creating what you desire.

  • What if I have a question about one of my assignments within the PDF files?

    You can feel free to write down any questions you might have and address them during one of your life mentoring consultations with Leslie Paramore.

  • I have a question that is not addressed here.

    Leslie is always available to answer your questions and usually responds within 48 hours. Feel free to contact Leslie Paramore personally at the following email: leslie@

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Empowering Your New Life

    • Welcome To Your Life Coaching Package


    • Welcome To Your Brand New Life

    • Your Grand Entrance Into The World

    • The Reason For The Season

    • Being Unapologetically You

    • Become Your Own Talent Agency


    • Creating Your Own Play of Reality

    • Becoming A Time Traveler In Your Movie

    • Igniting Your Inner Passion

    • Playing With Your Inner Child

    • Creating Your Patterns Through Choice


    • Your Perfect Personality & Tendencies

    • Eliminating Extinguishable Beliefs

    • Painting Your Perfect Picture

    • It's Time To Wrap Up Your Roles

    • Releasing Old Patterns & Beliefs


    • Intuition - Your Inner Guidance System

    • Rewriting Your Life Story

    • Moving Your Motivation & Momentum

    • Synching Up With Sweet Synchronicities


  • 2


    • Meditation - Affirm Your Day

    • Meditation - 8 Minutes To Calm

    • Meditation - A Deep Healing

    • Meditation - Breathe

    • Meditation - A Candle Light Moment

  • 3

    A Personal Message

    • A Personal Message For You

Your Personal Life Mentor

Leslie Paramore

Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher

Leslie Paramore

Leslie Paramore operates a private practice, supporting individuals on their path towards holistic health and wellness. She is a Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, Life Purpose Coach, Neuro Linguistic Practitioner and meditation recording artist. Leslie is also known for channeling intuitive messages from the spiritual realms for her clients. She works with angelic symbols in her healing work and love supporting others in seeing and knowing their light. Leslie enjoys intuitively channeling messages for individuals to help direct them in their lives and is passionate about empowering the planet one heart at a time. For children, Leslie is also an international children's author and presenter known as, Princess StarSeed.