Teaching Heart Centered Reiki

You Leading Influence Begins Here!

Many certified Heart Centered Reiki Master Teachers are expanding their healing influence by stepping into the role as Master Teacher. We are so pleased to say that Heart Centered Reiki has touched countless lives around the globe. It has supported people from all walks of life and from various cultures along their healing path. Many have felt the healing love and light of Heart Centered Reiki transmitted to them and their clients.

Early Spring Special!

Regular $695 - Reduced Until The End of June - Just $495

You've heard the call and now here you are. You've felt positive energy shifts coming and you've found yourself wondering what's next. This package is designed for the teacher who is ready to invest in their new career of teaching and attuning others to Heart Centered Reiki.

A Career of Service

Leading Others To Wellness

Imagine being one of the pioneer teachers of Heart Centered Reiki and having a personal influence on your students. As a Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher, you can choose to expand your influence by teaching in person classes, mentoring individual students, facilitating online teaching via zoom, or any other live methods that work for you and your students. To teach others the skills offered in Heart Centered Reiki is a wonderful opportunity to support our global awakening and move each of us to deeper levels of healing.

Your Comprehensive Teaching Package Is Ready To Go!

This package includes everything you will need to get you started!

  • 3 FREE Zoom Consultations With Leslie Paramore

  • 74 Heart Centered Reiki Teacher Course Videos Levels 1-4

  • 3 Heart Centered Reiki Student Manuals Levels 1 - 4

  • 3 Heart Centered Reiki Teacher PowerPoint Presentations

  • 7 Heart Centered Reiki Infused Guided Meditations For The Chakras

  • 15 Comprehensive Heart Centered Reiki Student Assignments

  • 3 Heart Centered Reiki Attunement Videos Levels 1 -4

  • 3 Heart Centered Reiki Quizzes & Answer Sheets For The Teacher

  • 7 Heart Centered Reiki Teacher Bonus Sheets

  • 7 Additional Heart Centered Reiki Bonus Course Videos

The Way We Experience Healing Is Changing

Your Teaching Skills Are Needed Now!

The way we look at healing is changing and many Heart Centered Reiki Master Teachers are the pioneers moving toward that beautiful change. As a complimentary healing modality, Reiki is now becoming more widely accepted in many global facilities and hospitals. In a 2008 USA Today article reported that in 2007 15% of U.S. hospitals (which is over 800) offered Reiki as a regular part of patient services. Today, Reiki has been integrated into various clinical and hospital settings with now more than 900 hospitals and counting, offering this beautiful modality in the USA, Brazil, Ireland, Australia, Mexico UK, and Mexico to name a few. Reiki is offered in children’s hospitals like John Hopkins Medical Center, Hospital Emergency Rooms, Oncology Clinics, Cardiology Clinics, Pre-Op Rooms, Post Op Rooms Operating rooms, Orthopedics, Palliative Care and also Internal Medicine.

A Life of Divine Purpose

Here's Your Chance to Choose Something That Will Make A Difference Within Your Life & The Life of Your Students

Life is filled with choices that can ultimately lead you to a life filled with purpose. During this time, there are many much like yourself who feel called to move forward onto the paths of health and wellness centering around the foundations of mind, body, and spirit. Heart Centered Reiki is being practiced by doctors, teachers, nurses, counselors, skilled professionals, psychologists, service people, war veterans, and people like you, who are are interested in bringing greater balance into their lives and within the lives of their clients.

Our Heart Centered Reiki Influence

  • This Course Inspires Self Love

    Heart centered Reiki is my definition of giving love and healing to any and all, maybe especially to ourselves. This course inspires self-love and self-care to all who take it. You'll be well prepared, respectful and confident in your knowledge and gift. Amazing. Inspired. Truly heart and love based." Sara S.

  • This Course Is Truly Amazing!

    "I'm so grateful for this amazing course! Leslie, the instructor, is a beautiful being of light. Her love and energy came directly to my heart and I guess they won't leave me anymore. This is not only a practical and theory course, but literally a bath of love, healing and hope. Thank you! Laura S. ​

  • I Love The Demonstration Videos!

    The course and your meditations are of amazing quality and the love and effort that you've put into this course and your work clearly shows! I loved that you actually made demonstration videos and it helps so much in guidance needed! Archit S.

My Life Changed Overnight!

~ Theresa Fearon

"Thank you so very much for the zoom call. I cannot begin to explain the impact you, the session, and the blessing of meeting with you has had on me. Today, I am buzzing - excited and I can't wait to get started. It really feels like my life changed overnight. I can't wait to dive in!" Website: https://www.theresa-empoweryou.co.uk/

Our Criteria For Teaching - "Heart Centered Reiki"

We Want You To Be Ready To Take This On!

Heart Centered Centered Reiki is a Channeled Course that many students worldwide have been certified in. We understand that there is a certain responsibility involved as you choose step up into becoming an official Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher. We are very conscious about upholding the integrity of our Heart Centered Reiki Course. The transference of energy is real as students have engaged their hearts in the course. With that being said, not just anyone can teach this course. You MUST be certified as a Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher. If you aren't there yet, no worries, you can easily enroll and get certified. We are here to support you on every level in creating your dream to teach.

Your Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher Certificate

With your commitment to teach this globally expanding course, we will award you our official Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher Certificate

Stepping into your role as Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher deserves special recognition for your accomplishment. We want you to proudly display your certificate to remind you of the dedicated path that you have chosen to love and serve your students.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Heart Centered Reiki Course Guidance For Teachers

    • Heart Centered Reiki Course Agenda

    • Your Teacher's Guide Sheet

  • 2

    Heart Centered Reiki Manuals

    • Heart Centered Reiki Manual 1

    • Heart Centered Reiki Level 2 Manual

    • Heart Centered Level 3 Manual

  • 3

    Heart Centered Reiki PowerPoint Presentations

    • Heart Centered Reiki - Power Point Level 1

    • Heart Centered Reiki - Power Point Level 2

    • Heart Centered Reiki - Power Point Levels 3

  • 4

    Heart Centered Reiki - Level 1 Videos

    • Heart Centered Reiki Level 1 Prayer of Intention

    • Video 1- Important Points To Ponder

    • Video 2 - Applying the Five Reiki Principles

    • Video 3 -Coloring Outside The Lines

    • Video 4 - An Overview Of The Course

    • Video 5 - What is Reiki?

    • Video 6 - Our Body The Interstate

    • Video 7 - The History of Reiki

    • Video 8 - Your Energy Ball

    • Video 9 - Tuning Your Heart To Reiki

    • Video 10 - The Benefits of Reiki

    • Video 11 - Reiki & Layers

    • Video 12 - A True Story Of Reiki

    • Video 13 - A Personal Refection Exercise

    • Video 14 - What Does Reiki Feel Like?

    • Video 15 - The Degrees Of Reiki

    • Video 16 - The Reiki Master Role

    • Video 17 - Being Attuned To Reiki Level 1

    • Video 18 - Chakras The Energy Wheels of The Body

    • Video 19 - Balancing Your Chakras

    • Video 20 - The Miracle of Your Hands

    • Video 21 - Preparing For Your Attunement

    • Video 22 - Attunement Benefits

    • Video 23 - A Testimony of Heart Centered Reiki

    • Video 24 - The Gift of Self Healing

    • Video 25 - Be the Intuitive Detective

    • Video 26 - The Reiki Hand Positions

    • Video 27 - Manifesting Your Healing Space

    • Video 28 - Congratulations

  • 5

    Heart Centered Reiki Level 2 Videos

    • Prayer of Intent Level 2

    • Video 1 - A Warm Welcome

    • Video 2 - An Introduction To Level 2

    • Video 3 - How Is Reiki Guided?

    • Video 4 - The Three Pillars of Reiki

    • Video 5 - Gassho The First Pillar

    • Video 6 - Formal Gassho

    • Video 7 - Informal Gassho

    • Video 8 - A Gassho Meditation

    • Video 9 - The Second Pillar Reiji - Ho

    • Video 10 - Putting The Three Pillars Together

    • Video 11 - A Dan Tian Exercise

    • Video 12 - Exploring Possibilities

    • Video 13 - A World of Symbols

    • Video 14 - The Symbol Cho-Ku-Rei

    • Video 15 - The Symbol Sei-He-Ki - The Emotional/Mental Symbol

    • Video 16 - The Uses of Sei-He-Ki

    • Video 17 - Affirmations and Sei-He-Ki

    • Video 18 - The Reiki Sandwich

    • Video 19 - Hon-Sha- Ze-Sho-Nen - The Distance Symbol

    • Video 20 - Using Hone-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen

    • Video 21 - The Methods of Sending Reiki

    • Video 22 - Guidelines For Sending Reiki

    • Video 23 - Client Considerations

    • Video 24 - Facilitating A Long Distance Session

    • Video 25 - Sending Reiki Into Time Zones

    • Video 26 - Channeling Reiki To The Past

    • Video 27 -Channeling Reiki To Past Lives

    • Video 28 - Channeling Reiki On Multiple Levels

    • Video 29 - Creating Goals With Reiki

    • Video 30 - Reiki and Animals

    • Video 31 - Congratulations

  • 6

    Heart Centered Reiki Level 3/4 Videos

    • A Prayer of Intent Level 3/4

    • Video 1 - Introduction to Level 3/4

    • Video 2 - The Use of Symbols With Reiki

    • Video 3 - The Master Symbol Dai-Ko-Myo

    • Video 4 - The Uses of Dai-Ko-Myo

    • Video 5 - An Intention Exercise

    • Video 6 - The Reiki Attunement Ceremony

    • Video 7 - Preparing For The Attunement Ceremony

    • Video 8 - Attunement to Reiki Levels 1 Through 4

    • Video 9 - Distant Reiki Attunements

    • Video 10 - Guidelines For Distant Attunements

    • Video 11 - Ways To Facilitate Distant Attunements

    • Video 12 - Intuitive Surgery

    • Video 13 - Introduction To Advanced Reiki Techniques

    • Video 14 - Offering Reiji To Others

    • Video 15 - Congratulations

  • 7

    Heart Centered Reiki Attunement Videos

    • Heart Centered Reiki Level 1 Attunement

    • Heart Centered Reiki Level 2 Attunement

    • Heart Centered Reiki Level 3 Attunement

  • 8

    Heart Centered Reiki Infused Guided Meditations

    • Root Chakra Meditation

    • Sacral Chakra Meditation

    • Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation

    • Heart Chakra Meditation

    • Throat Chakra Meditation

    • Third Eye Chakra Meditation

    • Crown Chakra Meditation

  • 9

    Heart Centered Reiki - Student Assignments

    • Assignment 1 - Your Body The Interstate

    • Assignment 2 - Your Personal Reflection Exercise

    • Assignment 3 - Creating Time For Healing

    • Assignment 4 - Triggers And Patterns

    • Assignment 5 - The Reiki Hand Positions

    • Assignment 6 - Your Future With Reiki

    • Assignment 7 - Conducting An Interview

    • Assignment 8 - Conducting A Reiki Session

    • Assignment 9 - Your Goals With Reiki

    • Assignment 10 - Using The Cho-Ku-Rei

    • Assignment 11 - Using The Sei-He-Ki

    • Assignment 12 - Using The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen

    • Assignment 13 - Using The Master Symbol

    • Assignment 14 - Practicing Reiji

    • Assignment 15 - Practicing Intuitive Surgery

  • 10

    Heart Centered Reiki - Bonus Sheets

    • Are You A Healer Quiz

    • A Chakra Quiz

    • Intake Reiki Form

    • Procedures For Intuitive Surgery

    • The Reiki Hand Positions

    • The Reiki Symbols For Boxes

    • Reprogram Your Beliefs Exercise

    • Heart Coloring Sheet

  • 11

    Student Quizzes

    • Student Quiz Level 1

    • Student Quiz Level 2

    • Student Quiz Level 3/4

  • 12

    Teacher Answer Sheets

    • Level 1 Quiz - Teachers Answers

    • Level 2 Quiz - Teacher Answers

    • Level 3/4 Quiz - Teacher Answers

  • 13

    Heart Centered Reiki Student Certificates

    • Heart Centered Reiki Level 1 Cert

    • Heart Centered Reiki Level 2 Cert

    • Heart Centered Reiki Level 3-4 Cert

  • 14

    Heart Centered Reiki - Extra Bonus Videos

    • A Chakra Quiz

    • Are You A Healer Quiz

    • Healing With The Infinity Sign

    • Breathe - A Guided Meditation For Inner Peace

    • Calm - A Guided Meditation To Reduce Stress

    • Candle Light Meditation - A Guided Mediation For Focus

    • A Chakra Meditation - Energize Your Chakras

Live Your Teaching Dream

We understand that everyone has various financial budgets and this is why we have several options available for you to obtain your package today. If you're on a budget, no problem. We can create a special payment plan for you. Just let us know! We want to support your dream!

Frequently Asked Questions From Heart Centered Reiki Teachers

Frequently Asked Questions From Heart Centered Reiki Teachers

  • Is the Heart Centered Reiki teaching package downloadable for personal use?

    Yes, All of the materials including, videos, assignments, guided meditations, manuals, power point presentations, student assignments, student quizzes, teacher answer sheets, bonus videos, attunement videos, and any extra bonus material added over time will be yours to use for life.

  • Is Leslie Paramore available for support as I delve into teaching this course?

    Yes! Of course Leslie Paramore wants to support you in any way she can to launch you into success! When you purchase this course, you will receive a total of 3 free zoom consultations to support you. There Leslie can guide you with any questions that you might have concerning your new teaching career as you engage with your students. We understand the learning curves associated with becoming a confident teacher that your students will look to for answers themselves. At anytime you can send her emails with questions or concerns. [email protected]

  • In what ways may I use Heart Centered Reiki material to teach my students?

    As a Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher, you can choose to expand your influence by teaching in person classes, mentoring individual students, or facilitating online teaching via zoom to reach your students. Get creative and think about the possibilities and what will work for you and your students.

  • Can I create my own online course and use the material in this package?

    Terms & Conditions: We love how ambitious this idea might feel, however, all Heart Centered Reiki material is copyrighted © 2020 - 2022 and may not be used to create a separate online course. You may only use the material to directly teach your students by means of you personally presenting the material to your students.

  • Can you specify what the terms and conditions are after purchase?

    We own or license all copyright rights in the text, images, photographs, videos, audio, graphics, and other content provided in this service, and the selection, coordination, and arrangement of such content by you to the full extend provided under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. You may use the services and the contents contained therein for personal use with the sole intent to teach the program to your prospective students. You may not redistribute or resell the teaching package in any way, to individuals, online course platforms, or by any other means. The package is intended for live teaching purposes only, either by zoom, in person, telephone, skype, or other venues of live communication. Any other use is prohibited without prior written consent by Heart Centered Productions. Furthermore, Heart Centered Productions or Leslie Paramore, will not be held liable or be responsible for any misuse or sharing of this material with others. By obtaining this material for personal teaching use, you therefore acknowledge that you are taking full responsibility for the material taught. By purchasing this teaching package you agree to these terms.

  • What if I have additional questions that aren't addressed here?

    We want to put your mind and heart at ease so you can confidently step into teaching our globally expanding course, Heart Centered Reiki. Please feel free to contact [email protected] with any questions. We look forward to hear from you.

Additional Support For You Personal Mentoring

We Are Here To Ensure Your Success!

If you feel that you will need support beyond the 1 free Zoom call included in this package, we will help you fill in any of the missing pieces. Leslie Paramore also provides personal one on one mentoring as you experience teaching Heart Centered Reiki for the first time. Whether you need teaching tips, practical insights, encouragement or mentoring to help you shine as a confident teacher, Leslie is available for personal and professional guidance. Mentoring time frames available are as follows: $30.00 for a half hour. $50 for a full hour. Simply request your additional support by emailing [email protected]

Course Creator & Instructor

Leslie Paramore - Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher

Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher

Leslie Paramore

Leslie Paramore operates a private practice, supporting individuals on their path towards holistic health and wellness. She is a Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, Life Purpose Coach, Neuro Linguistic Practitioner and meditation recording artist. Leslie is also known for channeling intuitive messages from the spiritual realms for her clients. She works with angelic symbols in her healing work and love supporting others in seeing and knowing their light. Leslie enjoys intuitively channeling messages for individuals to help direct them in their lives and is passionate about empowering the planet one heart at a time. For children, Leslie is also an international children's author and presenter known as, Princess StarSeed.