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"The Art & Signs of Spiritual Awakening - The 21 Signs it's Your Time."

"The Art & Signs of Spiritual Awakening - The 21 Signs it's Your Time," is also available as book on Amazon. The written information will be your go to with practical suggestions that you can apply to your life daily.

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Would you prefer to listen? We've got great news! Our audio book just released! Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening? Join us for "The Art & Signs of Spiritual Awakening - The 21 Signs It's Your Time," an audio book designed to guide you through the profound process of recognizing and embracing your own spiritual awakening.

Humanity Going Through A Spiritual Awakening

Individuals just like you are going through life challenging shifts toward their spiritual awakening and eventual ascension. As a result, many are experiencing broken relationships, anxiety, changes in belief systems, and extreme levels of uncertainty. As humanity moves toward evolved states of consciousness, our old lives are being dismantled as we move into a new age.

Just How Awake Are You?

What You Will Learn

Individuals who are going through their own awakening are often left with questions that have gone unanswered. In this course, we will help you to understand what is happening in your life on multiple levels: spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally. You will be introduced to many new concepts, which will challenge the way you look at your life and how you choose to live it..

  • Obtain powerful tools to navigate your way toward spiritual consciousness.

  • Receive newly channeled material about the ascension process of your soul.

  • Discover the indicators, signs, and symptoms of your ascension process.

  • Learn about divine frequencies of DNA integrating with your physical body.

  • Remember the process of resurrecting your cellular memories.

  • Explore your conscious connections with everything around you.

  • Learn to easily and effectively release old patterns or belief systems.

  • Claim new found spiritual awareness for your ascension process.

  • Claim the abundant life you were meant to live..

Are You Ready To Take Charge of Your Life?

Learn where you going in your awakening process and how you can successfully move forward with newfound inner confidence.

Your Personal Certificate

Upon the completion of this course, you will receive a personal certificate for your accomplishment. We lovingly recognize your dedication to your personal healing and spiritual mastery.

Transforming My Life!

Margery S

I am in awe how as I am so Excited to learn more and more in 15-20 minutes daily, my life and my marriage is Transforming effortlessly! Fear and worry are no longer part of my Consciousness as Love and Understanding and Enthusiasm is now the New Beautiful life I am co-creating! I AM finally free to be me! Leslie, I absolutely love all you share which is from Divine Pure Love and your course videos are so amazing!

Learn Your Purpose

Through this spiritual awakening, many like you are left feeling displaced and sense that there is a greater purpose for their lives than what they've been living.

Through this course we will support you in working through some of the challenging shifts you've been facing, moving you into a brighter life filled with profound purpose.

Icons & text

  • Access Newly Channeled Information

    Learn valuable information about your soul's ascension process and how your spiritual DNA is now being activated.

  • Learn To Apply This knowledge To Your Life

    As you receive this newly channeled information you can apply it to your life in accessing greater connections to the divine.

  • Step Into Empowerment & Live Your Best Life

    After applying the knowledge of the 21 indicators, step into navigating your way through your life with confidence.

Let's Keep In Touch!

We are more than an online course platform. Subscribe to Leslie Paramore's website where you can benefit from extra perks, like free guided meditations, discounted healing sessions, private mentoring, access to inspirational blogs, drawings for intuitive mentoring, private zoom gathers and some other surprises.

Claim Your Best Life Ever!

Everyone deserves to know their life's purpose and how to navigate their way through it and to it.

Your Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Your Student Manual

    • The Art and Signs of Spiritual Awakening

  • 3

    The Earthquake in My House

  • 4

    Are You Awake?

  • 5

    The Process of Awakening

  • 6

    The Signs of Awakening

  • 7

    The Race To Ascension

  • 8

    The Two Shall Become One

  • 9

    The House of Your Soul

    • The House of Your Soul

    • Assignment 2: Doing Inventory of Your House

  • 10

    The Divine Frequencies of DNA

    • The Divine Frequencies of DNA

  • 11

    Our Full Divine Expression

    • Our Full Divine Expression

  • 12

    The God Code

    • The God Code

    • Assignment 3: The God Code of Your Heart

  • 13

    Resurrecting Your Cellular Memory

    • Resurrecting Your Cellular Memory

  • 14

    Your Family Tree

    • Your Family Tree

  • 15

    Our Conscious Observations

    • Our Conscious Observations

  • 16

    The Death of You

    • The Death of You

  • 17

    A Vibrational Shift

    • A Vibrational Shift

  • 18

    Navigating into Awareness

    • Navigating into Awareness

  • 19

    Indicator 1 - Unchanneled Energy

    • Indicator 1 - Unchanneled Energy

  • 20

    Balancing Unchanneled Energy

    • Balancing Unchanneled Energy

    • Assignment 4: Moving Your Energy Flow

  • 21

    Indicator 2 - Erratic Sleep Patterns

    • Indicator 2 - Erratic Sleep Patterns

  • 22

    Balancing Erratic Sleep Patterns

    • Balancing Erratic Sleep Patterns

  • 23

    Indicator 3 - Changes in Diet Preferences

    • Indicator 3 - Changes in Diet Preferences

  • 24

    Balancing Changes in Diet Preferences

    • Balancing Changes in Diet Preferences

    • Assignment 5: Feeling For Feedback

  • 25

    Indicator 4 - Changes in Lifestyle

    • Indicator 4 - Changes in Lifestyle

  • 26

    Balancing Changes in Lifestyle

    • Balancing Changes in Lifestyle

  • 27

    Indicator 5 - Displacement or Upheaval

    • Indicator 5 - Displacement or Upheaval

  • 28

    Balancing Displacement or Upheaval

    • Balancing Displacement or Upheaval

    • Assignment 6: A Visualization Exercise

  • 29

    Indicator 6 - Letting Go of Outcomes

    • Indicator 6 - Letting Go of Outcomes

  • 30

    Balancing Letting Go of Outcomes

    • Balancing Letting Go of Outcomes

  • 31

    Indicator 7 - Changes in Belief Systems

    • Indicator 7 - Changes in Belief Systems

  • 32

    Balancing Changes in Belief Systems

    • Balancing Changes in Belief Systems

  • 33

    Indicator 8 - Deeper Growth and Learning

    • Indicator 8 - Deeper Growth and Learning

  • 34

    Balancing Deeper Growth and Learning

    • Balancing Deeper Growth and Learning

  • 35

    Indicator 9 - Changes in Reactions

    • Indicator 9 - Changes in Reactions

  • 36

    Balancing Changes in Reactions

    • Balancing Changes In Reactions

  • 37

    Indicator 10 - Letting Go of Judgement

    • Indicator 10 - Letting Go of Judgement

  • 38

    Balancing Letting Go of Judgement

    • Balancing Letting Go of Judgement

    • Assignment 7: Letting Go Of The Conditioning Of Judgement

  • 39

    Indicator 11 - Letting Go of Fear

    • Indicator 11 - Letting Go of Fear

  • 40

    Balancing Letting Go of Fear

    • Balancing Letting Go of Fear

  • 41

    Indicator 12 - Magnification of The Seven Senses

    • Indicator 12 - Magnification of The Seven Senses

  • 42

    Balancing Magnification of The Seven Senses

    • Balancing Magnification of The Seven Senses

    • Assignment 8: Tuning Into Your Divine Mind

  • 43

    Indicator 13 - Increased Emotional Awareness

    • Indicator 13 - Increased Emotional Awareness

  • 44

    Balancing Increased Emotional Awareness

    • Balancing Increased Emotional Awareness

  • 45

    Indicator 14 - Increased Sensitivity Toward Self and Others

    • Indicator 14 - Increased Sensitivity Toward Self and Others

  • 46

    Balancing Increased Sensitivity Toward Self and Others

    • Balancing Increased Sensitivity Toward Self and Others

    • Assignment 9: Practice Being Love Consciousness

  • 47

    Indicator 15 - Increased Spiritual Awareness

    • Indicator 15 - Increased Spiritual Awareness

  • 48

    Balancing Increased Spiritual Awareness

    • Balancing Increased Spiritual Awareness

  • 49

    Indicator 16 - Increased Intuition/ESP/Telepathy

    • Indicator 16 - Increased Intuition/ESP/Telepathy

  • 50

    Balancing Increased Intuition/ESP/Telepathy

    • Balancing Increased Intuition/ESP/Telepathy

  • 51

    Indicator 17 - Increased Physical Energy

    • Indicator 17 - Increased Physical Energy

  • 52

    Balancing Increased Physical Energy

    • Balancing Increased Physical Energy

  • 53

    Indicator 18 - Vibration or Buzzing Within the Body

    • Indicator 18 - Vibration or Buzzing Within the Body

  • 54

    Balancing Vibration or Buzzing Within the Body

    • Balancing Vibration or Buzzing Within the Body

  • 55

    Indicator 19 - Rotation of The Chakras

    • Indicator 19 - Rotation of The Chakras

  • 56

    Balancing Rotation of The Chakras

    • Balancing Rotation of The Chakras

    • Assignment 10: Participate In A Chakra Meditation

  • 57

    Indicator 20 - Vivid Spiritual Dreams or Visions

    • Indicator 20 - Vivid Spiritual Dreams or Visions

  • 58

    Balancing Vivid Spiritual Dreams or Visions

    • Balancing Vivid Spiritual Dreams or Visions

  • 59

    Indicator 21 – Feeling Deep connections – One with All

    • Indicator 21 – Feeling Deep connections – One with All

  • 60

    Balancing – Feeling Deep Connections – One With All

    • Balancing – Feeling Deep Connections – One With All

  • 61

    Living In the Moment of Right Now

    • Living In the Moment of Right Now

  • 62

    The Paradigm Shift

    • The Paradigm Shift


Your Instructor

Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher

Leslie Paramore

Leslie Paramore operates a private practice, supporting individuals on their path towards holistic health and wellness. She is a Heart Centered Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, Life Purpose Coach, Neuro Linguistic Practitioner and meditation recording artist. Leslie is also known for channeling intuitive messages from the spiritual realms for her clients. She works with angelic symbols in her healing work and love supporting others in seeing and knowing their light. Leslie enjoys intuitively channeling messages for individuals to help direct them in their lives and is passionate about empowering the planet one heart at a time. For children, Leslie is also an international children's author and presenter known as, Princess StarSeed.